Sunday 30 November 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

and the stomach grow hungrier. I've been having some serious cravings for Korean food. I try to console myself with the fact that there is a wide and varied selection of cheese in my fridge which would be impossible to come by in Korea, but at the moment all I want is 비빔밥, 보쌈, 김치 만두, 삼겹살, etc; le sigh. Wow, do I miss having my lunch provided everyday at school. Oh, what wouldn't I give for that magical metal tray! Or, having a feast delivered to my home by an ajeosshi on a scooter for the low, low sum of $4. I also miss being able to eat lunch whilst grocery shopping via all the free samples (yes, I am one of those people).

If only there was some way to make Korea not so far away!


Gabe Fife said...

you can also check out my blog as well:

its mostly my thoughts about life and what is going on...but i do speak of things korea when they come up.

... said...

Ooo, at least one person has read my blog, hi Gabe! Nice to know that there are others out there who also miss Korea.