Monday 17 November 2008

Falling out of reach...

That pretty much sums up how I've been feeling. When I went to Korea I thought about many things : Would I make a good teacher? Would I learn Korean? Would I like it??? The one thing that I didn't think about was leaving. Turns out, that's the hardest part. Readjusting to life back in the Real World is proving to be difficult. I find myself missing Korea and the life I lived there... and with no one to talk to about it. My friends listen politely, but can't really relate. I suppose that's the reason for starting this blog. I need some outlet for my thoughts, so rather than continuing to weary those around me with my emo musings, I'll post them here.


Gabe Fife said...

hey there...i miss living in korea as well. i grew up with korean americans and lived in korea for year while studying korean and teaching english. my main deal was studying korean. i got married last year in korea (yes wife is korean) and cant wait for the day when we go back....hit me up sometime if you want to chat about the good old days.

Unknown said...

You fucking gooklover . You are are fucking loser .

Gabe Fife said...

why would you even visit this page and make a comment like that. what's with the hate?

... said...

Ha, I don't even know what a gooklover is, so I'm probably not as offended as I should be, but thanks Gabe :)