Friday 30 January 2009

There is a light that never goes out...

So, I'm trying to get on-board with energy efficient light bulbs, BUT they're so incredibly annoying. Why must it take them so freaking long to actually produce light??? I miss flipping the switch and having light. Like, immediately. Now, I flip the switch and have to wait five minutes to have enough light to actually see. Supposedly, energy efficient bulbs are sooo much better; blah, blah, blah, but I can't help but wonder if the savings are cancelled out by the fact that now I go and turn on the kitchen light 10 minutes before I actually intend to go in there and I've developed a bad habit of sometimes leaving lights on if I think I might be coming back in the room soon, whereas before I would have just turned it off. Man, I wish I'd lived in the 50s before we had to start caring about the environment.

In other news, I keep seeing Valentine's Day crap everywhere which hurts my heart. I've never minded the day in the past, even in years when I was single, but this year I find the spectre of V. Day soul-crushingly depressing. The Boy and I had a rather prosaic attitude when it came to romance and I never considered Valentine's to be that big a deal, but the 14th would have been our anniversary. What used to be a special day for the two of us, has now reverted back to being a stupid, commercial Hallmark holiday because there is no two of us. Why does the human heart have to be so fickle? Once two people are happily in love, why can't they stay that way???

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Here, here. Not only do they not come on right away, they NEVER last as long as they're supposed to. And I recently saw on the package that when they burn out, you're not supposed to throw them in the trash, but somehow get them to a hazardous waste site due to mercury content. So, I'm going to do the world a favor and go back to incandesent happiness.